Our Groups and Classes
Anger Management Classes (Adults Only)
Mondays, 12:00-1:30pm (EST)
9:00-10:30 (MT)
$40 per meeting
Some Insurance Accepted
We offer an evidenced-based anger management program recognized by SAMSHA and accepted by most courts. At the completion of the 10-week program, you will receive a certificate of completion and a letter indicating the competencies that were taught.
All of our anger management groups are virtual. Each session is structured to discuss an anger management competency and group members are asked to use the competency in practice at home, work and with family members. Evaluation of your implementation of the competency will be discussed in each group.​
Successful completion of the program requires attending all 10 sessions, completing the group member handbook, and engagement in the discussions of each group session.
The cost is $40 per session, and we do accept some insurance for our
anger management program. You can pay as you go. Payments are processed at the beginning of the group session.
Complete the referral link below to get scheduled for the group. Please indicate which group you would like to attend.
Healing After Infidelity (women only)
Mondays, 7:00-8:30pm
$75 per meeting
No Insurance Accepted
Have you recently discovered an affair, experienced one or multiple instances of partner infidelity? Maybe you’re stuck or uncertain of how to deal with your thoughts, emotions about the discovery of your partner’s betrayal, or simply unsure what is next. Perhaps you’re trying to move forward to make the relationship work, but just keep hitting roadblocks.
If any of this sounds like you, regardless of the type of relationship, the state of the relationship, or the timeframe of the discovery, this is the group for you. This support group is therapist lead and structured to not be another support group where you simply talk, but one where you have that support and the ability to learn, understand, and promote healing.
Betrayers Need Support Too (women only)
Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30pm
$75 per meeting
No Insurance Accepted
Have you recently had an affair or engaged with someone physically, emotionally, sexually, or any unacceptable contact outside of your committed relationship? Maybe you’re uncertain if you can repair the relationship or end the interactions with the other person that is outside of your primary committed relationship. Perhaps your husband, wife, or partner is unaware of this infidelity, but you are struggling with how to have the discussion with them or how move forward.
If any of this sounds like you, regardless of the type of relationship or the state of the relationship, this is the group for you. This support group provides space for the betraying partner that is not typically offered. The group is therapist lead and structured to not be another support group where you simply talk, but one where you have that support and the ability to learn, understand, and promote healing.
Relationship Enrichment (couples)
1st and 3rd Thursdays, 6:30-8:00pm
$75 per meeting
No Insurance Accepted
We invite couples to join our enrichment group. For each group, one concept is taught and then couples are asked to privately discuss the topic or privately complete an experiential activity. Topics covered include communication skills, relationship dynamics, financial management, understanding emotional, mental and physical labor, intimacy and sexuality, and creating and maintaining emotional intimacy.
Living and Thriving with Chronic Pain
Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30pm
$40 per meeting
Some Insurance Accepted
Chronic pain, illness, and ill-favored prognosis are isolating. The unsteadiness of countless doctor appointments with prognosis that do not improve can be trauma inducing.
Come join our group and be a part of a community who can empathize and understand. Sometimes life isn’t ok and that’s when you need a community by your side!
The No Bullshit Group
Mondays, 6:00-7:30pm
$75 per meeting
No Insurance Accepted
Meets at our Blue Ash Office
We are a group who cares little about how you feel, ignores your level of motivation, and will not tolerate your procrastination. These things do not matter.
Stop seeing yourself as a victim of circumstance and expecting other to fix things for you. You do not need to be rescued. Much like a video game, once you know the quest, know the rules, and learn to manage the obstacles you are winning. The No Bullshit Group defines success as being directionally correct, not destination perfect.
Success requires commitment. Commitment means consistent action towards a desired outcome. Join us to eliminate all the bullshit that keeps you from a meaningful, self-directed life.
This group will not change your life
-but you will.
Eating Disorder Recovery Group (women only)
Wednesdays 7:30 to 9p EST
$50 per meeting
No Insurance Accepted
Virtual ​
An open group for females focused on tackling worries and anxiety around eating through hope and community. Meetings will focus on increasing insight and self-awareness, improving social relationships affected by disordered eating, decreasing feelings of isolation, increasing self-esteem, maintaining coping skills, psychoeducation regarding harmful and destructive eating behaviors and resources for further counseling and nutrition services.